Blog del Club de Aerodeportes Albatros de Durango CAAD

Club de Aerodeportes Albatros de Durango, Ultraligeros y Aeromodelos de radiocontrol.

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domingo, 13 de enero de 2008


The local weather was 1,700 feet broken-to-overcast with eight miles visibility underneath, an improvement from the 800 overcast that had prevailed most of the morning. As I motored along above the clouds I heard the following:

Cessna XXX: "Approach, this is Cessna XXX, we need some help getting down."

Approach: "Can you fly IFR?"

Cessna XXX: "Nope."

Approach: "Are you VFR right now?"

Cessna XXX: "Nope."

Protracted silence.

Approach: "Can you hold a heading and altitude?"

Cessna XXX: "No problemo."

Approach: "Stay on your current heading and altitude until you reach VFR conditions."

Cessna XXX: "Roger."

Approach: "When you get to VFR, let's talk."

Cessna XXX: "About what?"

Approach: "I am sure we can think of something."

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